Leak Detection Meriden, Connecticut

A technique for confirming if a leak is found within a structure is called detecting leaks. There's no other enterprise has the capacity to carry out the assignment to your satisfaction than Fundace Leak Detecting in Meriden, Connecticut, Meriden, Connecticut. Techniques for finding consist of hydrostatic testing, thermal, and laser methods approaches following pipeline construction.


About Us

Fundace Leak Detection FL in Meriden, Connecticut, Meriden, Connecticut, holds a strong standing within the leak identification business. We are fully protected, and all of our technicians have undergone extensive background investigations and received the necessary preparation to provide swift, friendly assistance.
We esteem top-notch work, nevertheless, we likewise recognize that assets could be limited. Consequently, we guarantee not under no circumstances compromise on excellence and in addition to sustain affordability for every one of our service solutions.

Our Values

Offering excellent help is key. Being on time is important. Take on a "Can-Do" approach and uphold truth. Finish all duties, display politeness, and demonstrate appreciation.

Our Mission

Offering excellent help is key. Being on time is important. Take on a "Can-Do" approach and uphold truth. Finish all duties, display politeness, and demonstrate appreciation.

Why Choose Us?

Thanks to our advanced technology and high-tech equipment, our skilled group outperforms. Our consumer-oriented method for delivering leak detection without damage will additionally guarantee you content.

Our Leak Detection Services in Meriden, Connecticut

Residential Leak Detection

Have you noticed seen an upturn in your water statement? Do you occasionally notice water running despite the fact that all the faucets are closed? Your house could hide unidentified unintentional escapes that pose a potential risk to your well-being and create substantial damage.

Commercial Leak Detection

Fundace Leak Detection Services provides reliable detection of leaks assistance. With a considerable amount of experience and extensive training, our highly skilled technician team can manage a wide range of issues, from damaged pipes to water infiltration. As a result, we can aid you, if you run a municipal office, maintain a storefront, have an apartment complex, or undertake alternative endeavors.

Pool and Spa Leak Detection

Corporate buildings like resorts, apartment buildings, stadiums, and more can experience great benefits from pools, fountains, and relaxation retreats. Nonetheless, should a leak occurs in these edifices, this may cause financial losses as a result of excessive utility charges, in addition to undermining their performance. 

Slab Leak Detection

Within Fundace Water Leak Detection Meriden, Connecticut area, our experts locate troublesome seepages in your slab employing advanced technology, comprehensive training, and innovative methods.

Underground Leak Detection

Our experts detect seepages underneath your residential or commercial properties through pipes which transport water and unwanted substances inbound and outbound from the property, utilizing our advanced technology and modern equipment.

Our Leak Detection Process

Inspecting Your Property

Upon contacting Fundace Water Leak Detection serving Meriden, Connecticuta, our professionals are going to arrive at the site for the purpose of evaluate it and validate your beliefs regarding the precise location of fault.

Giving the estimate/cost of services.

By means of laser technology, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic assessment, our professionals are going to identify the specific area where the problem exists, and immediately update you if you are not.


By means of laser technology, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic assessment, our professionals are going to identify the specific area where the problem exists, and immediately update you if you are not.

Pressure Wash Your Residential or Commercial Property

When all the procedures have been concluded, our group at Fundace Water Leak Detection serving Meriden, Connecticuta are going to promptly initiate work on your residential or business-related premises. We are sure that you will be pleased with the end product.

Advanced Leak Detection Techniques

Sound-based/Acoustic sensors

When all the procedures have been concluded, our group at Fundace Water Leak Detection serving Meriden, Connecticuta are going to promptly initiate work on your residential or business-related premises. We are sure that you will be pleased with the end product.

Tracer Gas Detection

An unique tracer gas is introduced once the water conduits have been depleted. This pressurized gas is subsequently added to the existing piping system and expelled. It is harmless and not corrosive. As the introduced gas flows through the conduits, this tracer gas escapes from the cracks and moves upwards up to the.

Loss Assessment

Professionals skilled in detecting leaks are capable of correctly identify the specific spots where major leaks by evaluating pressure and flow within a water supply. If a water leak exists, water pressure commonly experiences a significant drop, and data for loss analysis will indicate the precise location where the problem.

Thermal Imaging

An unique tracer gas is introduced once the water conduits have been depleted. This pressurized gas is subsequently added to the existing piping system and expelled. It is harmless and not corrosive. As the introduced gas flows through the conduits, this tracer gas escapes from the cracks and moves upwards up to the.

Contact Us

Encountering issues when struggling to contact us or sending? No need to fret, as you are able to use our web-based contact form to get in touch, where you can speedily obtain a reply message from a team member from our customer service team.

Meriden is a city in New Haven County, Connecticut, United States, located halfway between the regional cities of New Haven and Hartford. The city is part of the South Central Connecticut Planning Region. In 2020, the population of the city was 60,850.

Zip Codes in Meriden, Connecticut that we also serve: 06451 06450

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