Leak Detection Dearborn Heights, MI

A method for confirming whether or not a escape is existent within a structure is referred to as detecting leaks. No other company has the capacity to carry out the job meeting your satisfaction than Fundace Leak Detection Services in Dearborn Heights, MI, FL. Approaches for detecting consist of hydrostatic testing, thermal, and laser technologies in the wake of pipeline establishment.


About Us

Fundace Leak Detection FL in Dearborn Heights, MI, FL, holds a well-known standing within the leak detection business. We are fully protected, and all of our technicians have experienced extensive background investigations and received the necessary preparation to provide fast, polite support.
We prize quality work, however, we likewise recognize that resources could be limited. Hence, we guarantee not under no circumstances trade off on outstanding quality and in addition to sustain affordability for every one of our service solutions.

Our Values

Offering excellent help is key. Being on time is essential. Embrace a "Proactive" mindset and promote truth. Conclude each assignments, exhibit politeness, and demonstrate thankfulness.

Our Mission

Offering excellent help is key. Being on time is essential. Embrace a "Proactive" mindset and promote truth. Conclude each assignments, exhibit politeness, and demonstrate thankfulness.

Why Choose Us?

Thanks to our innovative technology and high-tech equipment, our skilled group shines. Our customer-focused method for delivering Non-Destructive Leak Detection will additionally guarantee you fulfilled.

Our Leak Detection Services in Dearborn Heights, MI

Residential Leak Detection

Have you noticed seen an upturn in your water statement? Do you occasionally hear the sound of running despite the fact that each the faucets are closed? Your house could conceal unidentified unintentional escapes that pose a potential danger to your well-being and create considerable destruction.

Commercial Leak Detection

Fundace Leak Detection in Dearborn Heights, MIa provides consistent detection of leaks services. With a considerable amount of experience and extensive training, our highly skilled service technicians can address diverse challenges, from damaged pipes to liquid penetration. Thus, we can assist you, whether you run a municipal office, operate a storefront, own an apartment block, or undertake alternative endeavors.

Pool and Spa Leak Detection

Commercial structures including hotels, apartment buildings, sports arenas, and more can benefit significantly from aquatic areas, fountains, and spas. Yet, in the event that a water seepage happens within these structures, this may cause economic hardships due to excessive water bills, as well as degrading their performance. 

Slab Leak Detection

Within Fundace Leak Detection Services Dearborn Heights, MI area, our experts locate troublesome leaks in the concrete beneath your floor employing state-of-the-art technology, thorough training, and innovative techniques.

Underground Leak Detection

Our experts detect leakages underneath your residential or commercial properties through pipes that move H2O and waste to and from your respective property, utilizing our cutting-edge technology and modern equipment.

Our Leak Detection Process

Inspecting Your Property

Once you call Fundace Leak Detection Services in the Dearborn Heights, MI area, our professionals are going to arrive at your site to evaluate it and confirm your suspicions about the precise location of issue.

Giving the estimate/cost of services.

Via advanced lasers, infrared, and hydrostatic assessment, our professionals are going to pinpoint the specific area in which the problem exists, and right away notify you should you happen to be absent.


Via advanced lasers, infrared, and hydrostatic assessment, our professionals are going to pinpoint the specific area in which the problem exists, and right away notify you should you happen to be absent.

Pressure Wash Your Residential or Commercial Property

When the necessary steps have been finished, our group from Fundace Leak Detection Services in the Dearborn Heights, MI area are going to promptly initiate work on your particular residential or commercial property. We are confident that you are going to be content regarding the end product.

Advanced Leak Detection Techniques

Sound-based/Acoustic sensors

When the necessary steps have been finished, our group from Fundace Leak Detection Services in the Dearborn Heights, MI area are going to promptly initiate work on your particular residential or commercial property. We are confident that you are going to be content regarding the end product.

Tracer Gas Detection

An unique tracer gas is included once the water conduits are completely emptied. This pressurized gas is subsequently introduced into the conduit structure and vented. The introduced gas is harmless and non-corrosive. While the gas flows through the pipes, this tracer gas escapes out from the cracks and moves upwards up to above ground.

Loss Assessment

Professionals skilled in detecting leaks have the ability to correctly identify the exact positions of major leaks by assessing the pressure and volume of the water supply. When a leak is detected, hydraulic pressure typically experiences a significant drop, and data for loss analysis will indicate the precise location where the leakage.

Thermal Imaging

An unique tracer gas is included once the water conduits are completely emptied. This pressurized gas is subsequently introduced into the conduit structure and vented. The introduced gas is harmless and non-corrosive. While the gas flows through the pipes, this tracer gas escapes out from the cracks and moves upwards up to above ground.

Contact Us

Encountering issues when struggling to contact us or sending? No need to fret, as you are able to utilize the contact form below to get in touch, where you can speedily obtain a reply message from a team member from our customer care team.

Dearborn Heights was incorporated from the two discontinuous sections of Dearborn Township and a quarter-mile connecting strip of land from the village of Inkster. Incorporation petitions were filed on Friday, March 4, 1960, while Inkster officials delivered their petitions for incorporation on Monday, March 7, 1960. The residents approved Dearborn Heights' incorporation on an election held June 20, 1960, which is the official date of incorporation. Inkster, a predominantly black community, filed a lawsuit, claiming that the shape of Dearborn Heights reflected a racial gerrymander. The Michigan Supreme Court held that Inkster had failed to demonstrate any legally cognizable harm and dismissed the lawsuit.

Zip Codes in Dearborn Heights, MI that we also serve: 48127 48125

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