Leak Detection Westland, Michigan

A method for confirming whether or not a leak is existent within a system is referred to as detecting leaks. No other enterprise has the capacity to accomplish the job to your approval than Fundace Leak Detection Services based in Westland, Michigan, Westland, Michigan. Approaches for detecting consist of hydrostatic testing, thermal, and laser technologies in the wake of pipeline establishment.


About Us

Fundace Leak Detection Services in Westland, Michigan, Westland, Michigan, possesses a strong reputation within the leak detection industry. We are fully insured, and all of our professionals have undergone extensive background investigations and acquired the requisite training to provide swift, friendly assistance.
We esteem top-notch work, nevertheless, we also recognize that resources might be constrained. Hence, we guarantee not under no circumstances compromise on excellence and in addition to maintain affordability for every one of our services.

Our Values

Offering excellent service is vital. Arriving promptly is important. Take on a "Proactive" approach and uphold truth. Conclude all assignments, display politeness, and express thankfulness.

Our Mission

Offering excellent service is vital. Arriving promptly is important. Take on a "Proactive" approach and uphold truth. Conclude all assignments, display politeness, and express thankfulness.

Why Choose Us?

Because of our innovative technology and high-tech equipment, our proficient group outperforms. Our customer-focused method for delivering Non-Destructive Leak Detection will additionally guarantee you fulfilled.

Our Leak Detection Services in Westland, Michigan

Residential Leak Detection

Have you noticed observed an increase in your water bill? Have you ever from time to time notice the sound of running even when all the faucets are closed? Your residence might conceal unidentified unintentional escapes that pose a potential danger to your healthiness and create substantial destruction.

Commercial Leak Detection

Fundace Leak Detection in Westland, Michigana delivers reliable leak detection assistance. With years and in-depth training, our skilled technician team can manage diverse challenges, from damaged pipes to liquid penetration. Thus, we are equipped to aid you, if you manage a municipal office, maintain a storefront, own an apartment complex, or engage in alternative endeavors.

Pool and Spa Leak Detection

Commercial structures like resorts, condominium complexes, sports arenas, and more can experience great benefits from aquatic areas, fountains, and spas. Yet, in the event that a water seepage happens in these edifices, this may result in economic hardships as a result of overwhelming utility charges, in addition to degrading the performance. 

Slab Leak Detection

Within Fundace Water Leak Detection Westland, Michigan area, we locate troublesome seepages in the concrete beneath your slab employing state-of-the-art technology, comprehensive training, and state-of-the-art methods.

Underground Leak Detection

Our experts locate seepages beneath your properties via pipes that move H2O and unwanted substances to and from your respective property, using our firm's cutting-edge technology and up-to-date equipment.

Our Leak Detection Process

Inspecting Your Property

Upon contacting Fundace Water Leak Detection in Westland, Michigana, our professionals are going to arrive at your property for the purpose of evaluate it and validate your suspicions about the precise location of issue.

Giving the estimate/cost of services.

Via advanced lasers, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic assessment, our professionals are going to identify the precise location in which the problem exists, and right away notify you if you are not.


Via advanced lasers, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic assessment, our professionals are going to identify the precise location in which the problem exists, and right away notify you if you are not.

Pressure Wash Your Residential or Commercial Property

When all the procedures have been finished, our group from Fundace Water Leak Detection in Westland, Michigana are going to promptly initiate work on your household or commercial property. Our team is sure that you will be pleased regarding the end product.

Advanced Leak Detection Techniques

Sound-based/Acoustic sensors

When all the procedures have been finished, our group from Fundace Water Leak Detection in Westland, Michigana are going to promptly initiate work on your household or commercial property. Our team is sure that you will be pleased regarding the end product.

Tracer Gas Detection

An unique tracer gas is included once the water conduits are completely emptied. The compressed gas is added to the piping system and expelled. The introduced gas turns out to be harmless and non-corrosive. As the gas travels inside the conduits, this tracer gas seeps from the ruptures and moves upwards up to the.

Loss Assessment

Professionals skilled in detecting leaks have the ability to correctly identify the specific spots where major leaks via evaluating pressure and flow within a water system. If a leak is detected, hydraulic pressure commonly decreases substantially, and loss data analysis will show the exact point where the leakage.

Thermal Imaging

An unique tracer gas is included once the water conduits are completely emptied. The compressed gas is added to the piping system and expelled. The introduced gas turns out to be harmless and non-corrosive. As the gas travels inside the conduits, this tracer gas seeps from the ruptures and moves upwards up to the.

Contact Us

Facing difficulty when trying to contact us or sending? No need to fret, as you have the option to utilize the contact form below to get in touch, where you can speedily obtain a response from a team member from our customer care group.

During the 18th century, the area was inhabited by the people of a Potawatomi Native American village. Other tribes, particularly three Algonquian tribes, used the area as hunting territory. Though white settlers did not begin to settle the area until about 1824, they began passing through at the beginning of the 19th century.

Zip Codes in Westland, Michigan that we also serve: 48185 48186

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