Leak Detection Rochester, NY

A technique for identifying if a leak is existent within a system is referred to as detecting leaks. There's no other enterprise can accomplish the assignment meeting your satisfaction than Fundace Leak Detecting based in Rochester, NY, FL. Approaches for finding include hydrostatic testing, thermal, and laser technologies following tubing establishment.


About Us

Fundace Leak Detection Services in Rochester, NY, FL, holds a well-known reputation within the leak identification industry. We are entirely protected, and all of our technicians have undergone in-depth background investigations and received the requisite preparation to provide fast, polite support.
We esteem quality work, however, we also realize that assets could be constrained. Consequently, we guarantee not under no circumstances compromise on outstanding quality and to maintain reasonable pricing for all our services.

Our Values

Offering excellent service is vital. Arriving promptly is important. Embrace a "Can-Do" mindset and promote truth. Conclude all assignments, exhibit politeness, and express appreciation.

Our Mission

Offering excellent service is vital. Arriving promptly is important. Embrace a "Can-Do" mindset and promote truth. Conclude all assignments, exhibit politeness, and express appreciation.

Why Choose Us?

Thanks to our innovative technology and modern equipment, our proficient crew shines. Our customer-focused method for offering leak detection without damage will additionally leave you content.

Our Leak Detection Services in Rochester, NY

Residential Leak Detection

Have you noticed seen an increase in your water statement? Do you occasionally hear the sound of running despite the fact that all the water fixtures are turned off? Your residence could conceal unidentified unintentional escapes that pose a potential danger to your well-being and create considerable damage.

Commercial Leak Detection

Fundace Leak Detection Services delivers reliable leak detection assistance. With a considerable amount of experience and in-depth training, our skilled technician team can manage a wide range of issues, from damaged pipes to liquid infiltration. Thus, we can aid you, if you run a municipal office, maintain a storefront, have an apartment block, or undertake alternative endeavors.

Pool and Spa Leak Detection

Commercial structures like resorts, apartment buildings, sports arenas, and more can experience great benefits by adding pools, fountains, and relaxation retreats. Nonetheless, should a leak occurs in these edifices, it could result in financial losses as a result of excessive utility charges, in addition to degrading their performance. 

Slab Leak Detection

Within Fundace Water Leak Detection Rochester, NYa, we locate troublesome leaks in the concrete beneath your slab utilizing advanced technology, thorough training, and innovative techniques.

Underground Leak Detection

Our experts locate seepages beneath your residential or commercial properties via pipes that move water and waste inbound and outbound from the house, utilizing our firm's advanced technology and modern gear.

Our Leak Detection Process

Inspecting Your Property

Upon contacting Fundace Water Leak Detection in Rochester, NYa, our team will come to the property to evaluate it and confirm your beliefs regarding the issue.

Giving the estimate/cost of services.

By means of laser technology, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic testing, our team will pinpoint the precise location where the issue can be found, and right away update you should you happen to be absent.


By means of laser technology, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic testing, our team will pinpoint the precise location where the issue can be found, and right away update you should you happen to be absent.

Pressure Wash Your Residential or Commercial Property

Once all the procedures have been concluded, our experts from Fundace Water Leak Detection in Rochester, NYa will promptly initiate work on your household or commercial property. Our team is confident that you will be content with the results.

Advanced Leak Detection Techniques

Sound-based/Acoustic sensors

Once all the procedures have been concluded, our experts from Fundace Water Leak Detection in Rochester, NYa will promptly initiate work on your household or commercial property. Our team is confident that you will be content with the results.

Tracer Gas Detection

An unique tracer gas is introduced once the water pipes are completely emptied. The compressed gas is subsequently added to the piping system and vented. The introduced gas turns out to be non-toxic and non-corrosive. As the introduced gas travels through the pipes, it seeps from the cracks and moves upwards to the.

Loss Assessment

Professionals skilled in detecting leaks are capable of correctly identify the specific spots where major leaks by evaluating the pressure and volume of the water supply. When a leak is detected, hydraulic pressure typically experiences a significant drop, and loss data analysis will show the exact point where the leakage.

Thermal Imaging

An unique tracer gas is introduced once the water pipes are completely emptied. The compressed gas is subsequently added to the piping system and vented. The introduced gas turns out to be non-toxic and non-corrosive. As the introduced gas travels through the pipes, it seeps from the cracks and moves upwards to the.

Contact Us

Facing difficulty when struggling to contact us or sending? Worry less, as you are able to utilize our web-based contact form to contact us, where you can promptly obtain a response from a member of our customer care team.

Rochester (/ˈrɒtʃɛstər, -ɪs-/) is a city in the U.S. state of New York and the seat of Monroe County. It is the fourth-most populous municipality in New York, with a population of 211,328 at the 2020 census. The city forms the core of the larger Rochester metropolitan area in Western New York, with a population of over 1.09 million residents.

Zip Codes in Rochester, NY that we also serve: 14608 14609 14606 14605 14607 14604 14627 14620 14621 14619 14615 14614 14617 14611 14610 14613 14612 14642 14602 14603 14638 14639 14643 14644 14646 14647 14649 14650 14651 14653

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