Leak Detection Greensboro, North Carolina

A method for confirming whether or not a leak is existent in a system is referred to as leak detection. There's no other enterprise has the capacity to carry out the job to your satisfaction than Fundace Leak Detection Services based in Greensboro, North Carolina, FL. Approaches for detecting consist of hydrostatic testing, thermal, and laser methods technologies following pipeline construction.


About Us

Fundace Leak Detection Services in Greensboro, North Carolina, FL, holds a strong standing in the leak detection industry. We are entirely protected, and all of our technicians have experienced in-depth background investigations and received the necessary preparation for offering fast, friendly assistance.
We prize top-notch work, nevertheless, we likewise realize that resources could be constrained. Hence, we assure never under no circumstances compromise on outstanding quality and to maintain affordability for all our services.

Our Values

Offering outstanding help is key. Arriving promptly is essential. Take on a "Proactive" mindset and promote truth. Conclude all assignments, exhibit politeness, and express appreciation.

Our Mission

Offering outstanding help is key. Arriving promptly is essential. Take on a "Proactive" mindset and promote truth. Conclude all assignments, exhibit politeness, and express appreciation.

Why Choose Us?

Thanks to our innovative technology and high-tech equipment, our skilled crew outperforms. Our customer-focused method for delivering Non-Destructive Leak Detection will additionally guarantee you fulfilled.

Our Leak Detection Services in Greensboro, North Carolina

Residential Leak Detection

Have you seen an increase in your water bill? Do you occasionally notice the sound of running even when all the water fixtures are closed? Your residence could conceal unidentified unintentional escapes that present a danger to your well-being and result in substantial damage.

Commercial Leak Detection

Fundace Leak Detection in Greensboro, North Carolinaa delivers consistent leak detection assistance. Benefiting from a considerable amount of experience and extensive training, our skilled technician team can manage diverse challenges, from damaged pipes to liquid penetration. As a result, we can assist you, if you manage a municipal office, operate a storefront, own an apartment block, or undertake alternative tasks.

Pool and Spa Leak Detection

Commercial structures including resorts, apartment buildings, stadiums, and other venues may benefit significantly by adding aquatic areas, ornamental water displays, and relaxation retreats. Nonetheless, should a water seepage happens in these edifices, it could result in financial losses due to excessive water bills, as well as undermining the performance. 

Slab Leak Detection

Within Fundace Water Leak Detection Greensboro, North Carolinaa, our experts detect troublesome leaks in the concrete beneath your slab employing advanced technology, thorough training, and state-of-the-art methods.

Underground Leak Detection

Our experts detect seepages underneath your residential or commercial real estate via conduits that transport water and unwanted substances inbound and outbound from the house, using our firm's advanced technology and modern equipment.

Our Leak Detection Process

Inspecting Your Property

Once you call Fundace Water Leak Detection serving Greensboro, North Carolinaa, our team will come to the site to evaluate it and confirm your respective beliefs about the fault.

Giving the estimate/cost of services.

By means of laser technology, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic assessment, our team will identify the precise location in which the issue exists, and right away notify you if you are not.


By means of laser technology, thermal imaging, and hydrostatic assessment, our team will identify the precise location in which the issue exists, and right away notify you if you are not.

Pressure Wash Your Residential or Commercial Property

When all the procedures have been finished, our group from Fundace Water Leak Detection serving Greensboro, North Carolinaa will promptly initiate work on your particular household or commercial property. Our team is sure that you are going to be content regarding the end product.

Advanced Leak Detection Techniques

Sound-based/Acoustic sensors

When all the procedures have been finished, our group from Fundace Water Leak Detection serving Greensboro, North Carolinaa will promptly initiate work on your particular household or commercial property. Our team is sure that you are going to be content regarding the end product.

Tracer Gas Detection

A tracer gas is introduced once your water conduits have been emptied. The pressurized gas is subsequently introduced into the conduit structure and expelled. It turns out to be non-toxic and not corrosive. As the introduced gas travels through the conduits, this tracer gas escapes out from any cracks and rises to above ground.

Loss Assessment

Professionals skilled in detecting leaks have the ability to correctly identify the specific spots where large leaks by evaluating pressure and flow within the water supply. If a water leak exists, hydraulic pressure commonly decreases substantially, and loss data analysis will show the exact point where the problem.

Thermal Imaging

A tracer gas is introduced once your water conduits have been emptied. The pressurized gas is subsequently introduced into the conduit structure and expelled. It turns out to be non-toxic and not corrosive. As the introduced gas travels through the conduits, this tracer gas escapes out from any cracks and rises to above ground.

Contact Us

Facing difficulty when trying to contact us or reaching us via mail? No need to fret, as you have the option to utilize the contact form below to contact us, where you can speedily receive a reply message from a team member from our customer service group.

Greensboro (/ˈɡriːnzbʌroʊ/ i; local pronunciation /ˈɡriːnzbʌrəl/) is a city in and the county seat of Guilford County, North Carolina, United States. It is the third-most populous city in North Carolina after Charlotte and Raleigh, the 69th-most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city in the Piedmont Triad metropolitan region. At the 2020 census, its population was 299,035; at the 2022 census estimate, its population was 301,115. Three major interstate highways (Interstate 40, Interstate 85, and Interstate 73) in the Piedmont region of central North Carolina were built to intersect at this city.

Zip Codes in Greensboro, North Carolina that we also serve: 27411 27410 27412 27455 27214 27408 27409 27403 27401 27406 27407 27405 27402 27404 27413 27417 27420 27427 27429 27435 27438 27495 27497 27498 27499

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